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About Us

As your doula, I will provide Emotional support by encouraging you, reassuring you, affirming you and building your confidence. I will ensure that our space is safe, that you have options, that you were supported in your choices and that you were respected.


As your doula, I will provide spiritual support, honoring your religious beliefs and or spiritual traditions.


As your doula, I will provide physical support by assisting you with various positions, providing you with comfort measures, massage, breathing techniques, relaxation strategies and other non-pharmacological pain relief measures.


As your doula, I will provide assistance with informational support in sharing resources and gathering information about the course of labor, options, other non-medical advice and accredited resources to help make evidence-based decisions.


As your doula, I will provide advocacy by providing you and your partner evidence-based information and education. I will empower you to advocate for your birth plan, wishes and desires. I will also be there to assist you in advocating for your wishes as well. Your body, Your baby, Your birth!


As your doula, I will provide partner support because we are a team! I will encourage your partner and reassure your partner of their role while modeling and explaining what your partner can do to assist you.


Research shows the benefits of working with a doula include:


  • 40% Decrease in the use of Pitocin

  • 53% Decrease in fewer Cesarean births

  • 60% Decrease in Epidurals

  • 50% More likely to rate their childbirth and immediate postpartum experience positively.


She is not just a friend, she is not just a health care provider, she is a mother figure to the most ancient kind, her life experiences empower you, she is a reassuring presence who will always listen to you and support you in your chosen path. She will remind you of your choices and the reasons you made them when you are in doubt, when you are afraid and when you seem to worry. She will see you for the real you. Her understanding of your journal supports your self-confidence. She eases the pain with a touch, a look, or with a word. She is a doula, she is the owner of Birthing A Better You, she is ME.





 I am Qua Sharpe, the founder of my B.A.B.Y; Birthing A Better You,  and I am so thrilled to have you here!! Birthing A Better You, was birthed right after the birth of my beautiful daughter, Chrislyn Sharpe. My pregnancy and birthing experience were absolutely amazing, and I find joy in educating, supporting and assisting families to birth there way, with ease. My daughter really birthed a better me. Birthing her, I have learned how strong and brave I really am. I am still gaining new skills and strengths about myself as a person, wife, and mother that I never knew existed.


I was born and raised in High Point, North Carolina. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology minoring in child welfare. I have a Master’s Degree in Social Work and I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and therapist. I am a Birth and Postpartum Doula and a Childbirth Educator. You really have the best of both worlds here in support of Maternal Health and Mental Health. I like to refer to myself as a “Theradoula”. I am so very enthusiastic about serving my community and assisting pregnant women in trusting their bodies, bond with their babies and begin their postpartum journey with pure bliss, love, happiness, and parent from a place of peace. 


I am the wife to my best friend, high school sweetheart and forever lover, Chris Sharpe.  I am the oldest sibling of four, so as you can imagine mothering came naturally.  I am a lover of all things baby, and I can spend an enormous amount of time discussing about the importance of mental health, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, postpartum and newborn care. I absolutely love to educate, I motivate, inspire, and care for others, I love reading, blogging and I enjoy spending time with family.

Meet The Owner

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